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iwata HP-BCR Revolution Airbrushpistole Airbrush Pistole Airbrush-City 5mm

iwata HP-BCR Revolution Airbrushpistole Airbrush Pistole Airbrush-City 5mm

  • MarkeIwata
  • AngebotspaketNein
  • Modifizierter ArtikelNein
  • Zusatzinfo: 2Airbrush-Pistole
  • Zusatzinfo: 3Airbrushbedarf
  • Zusatzinfo: 4Airbrush-Set
  • Zusatzinfo: 5Airbrushpistole
  • Artikelnummer200005
  • EAN0734748145012
  • Artikelnr.383468326346
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iwata HP-BCR Revolution Airbrushpistole 200 005 0,5mm Saugsystem Düse: 0,5 mm Nadel: 0,5 mm Typ: double action Saugbecher-Inhalt: 60 ml Sprühstärke: fein bis 38 mm Externe Nadel-Regulierung CREATEX Art.-No. 200 005 Code: 13407110 The Revolution BCR is excellent for these applications: - Spray Tanning - Body Art - T-Shirt Painting - Model Painting - Custom Automotive - Mural Painting - Hobby and Craft Start off airbrushing with the industry leader - Iwata. Made for users at all levels, this top-of-the-line Revolution Series brush is a great value. With breakthrough technology and performance, this airbrush outperforms all others in its price range. Its features include: an internal mix airbrush - ergonomic handle design - fine detail to 1-1/2 - spray pattern - larger nozzle and needle co.

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